Friday, February 26, 2010

Oh, have i mentioned I'm a high school student? Ya.. to this point, I'm just amateur. :) Keep that in mind... :S

Freedom is just another word for there's nothing left to lose :)

some words from Janis Joplin... :)
Yesterday, I was introduced to these words by my photography teacher, actually. and I thought it was pretty fitting coming from him, because I don't know what phrase better represents the way i see photography.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Here's the same picture again in black and white.

Canadian Breast Cancer Warriors

And she's only one of them. Don't get me wrong, my younger sister doesn't have breast cancer, but my aunt does. I took this at the Run for the Cure in October 2009. My family and I were runners, participants, or volunteers; fighting not only for her, but also for so many other deceased patients, diagnosed patients, and survivors.

Lying Flat on the Ground.

Just to think. I'd say one of my favourite things to do :). Another one: taking photographs. put those two things together, and you've got this picture!

Have you ever seen an ugly picture of the sunset?

Because i honestly cannot say that i have. this one, however stands out to me. it might be the duck near the front, it might be the dimension, it might be the sunset... you tell me!

Aspiring Photographer...

Hey bloggers! So I'm new to this site, and new to blogging actually :). I'm a student, living in Canada. The reason I started this blog was because what I want, more than anything else, is to be a photographer. The only thing I can think of right now, to help me get to that dream, is to get myself out there. So here goes, something new and something different :D
Hope you guys like my stuff!

-I'll see you soon then :)